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Latest in: Faith
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I was fairly new in my Christian walk then, and didn’t yet understand how God sometimes allow suffering in order to bring us closer to Him, and can even use our pain for His …
October 1, 2023
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Our beloved Pope Emeritus died in December 2022, so it seems fitting to honor him in this month’s message. In his work titled, "Spe Salvi" or "Saved in Hope," Pope Benedict declares, “The one …
March 1, 2023
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If grief were a month, it would be February. Though the calendar assures us that the days are getting longer, we turn our faces towards a sky that often denies us the warmth and …
February 1, 2023
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While there is an invitation to begin again at any time, the start of a new year can be a unique opportunity to strive towards something new or set a new goal for ourselves. …
January 1, 2023
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In the weeks and months that followed 9/11, we shared with our church family, our friends, and colleagues the news of Becky’s tragic passing. Our church family kept saying how “strong” we were during …
September 1, 2022
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A loved one dies, and so many blocks come crashing down. Plans crash. Dreams crash. A future comes to an end. The pain of our losses is shattering; our broken hearts don’t quite know …
August 1, 2022

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