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Grief Camps

Cornerstone of Hope offers summer grief camps for children who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Guided by Christian values, our camps provide a supportive and understanding environment where children can learn about grief and connect with peers who have faced similar losses. Campers engage in age-appropriate grief activities led by compassionate professionals and enjoy field trips, sports, games, arts and crafts, and various other interactive experiences that foster healing and hope.


Camp Memory 

June 16 – June 20, 2025
Day Camp  |  Ages 6-12  |  $50
St. Paul the Apostle Church
Westerville, Ohio

Camp Cornerstone-166

Camp Cornerstone 

July 14 - July 18, 2025
Day Camp  |  Ages 6-12  |  $50
Cornerstone of Hope
Independence, Ohio


Camp Lighthouse 

August 1 - August 3, 2025
Overnight Camp  |  Ages 8-17  |  $50
Hiram House Camp
Moreland Hills, Ohio

“To have a safe place to express our grief and share experiences with others to help to get through this extremely difficult process, is truly a blessing! We cannot thank  Cornerstone of Hope enough.”


Who is Cornerstone of Hope?

Cornerstone of Hope is a nonprofit comprehensive bereavement support center that has served Ohio communities since 2003, offering individuals and families a supportive environment to express their grief and emerge from its pain with a renewed sense of purpose.

Cornerstone of Hope is dedicated to providing support, education, and hope for the grieving. Our staff has extensive experience working with grief and trauma and we welcome and serve all seeking support.


Quick Facts for Camp Families

Here, you'll find answers to common questions about our programs designed to foster healing, connection, and hope.

Frequently Asked Questions Before Camp

How do I know if this camp is a good fit for my camper?
  • Each camper at a Cornerstone of Hope camp is a child or teen or has experienced the death of someone close to them.
  • Each camp at Cornerstone of Hope is designed to give campers an opportunity to explore their feelings about grief, learn coping tools, and share about their loved one with other campers.
  • These camps may be a good fit for your camper if they are looking to connect with other peers who have experienced the death of someone close to them. If your camper is comfortable, or becoming more comfortable, talking about their grief experience, these camps may be a great fit for them!
  • Sometimes, these camps may not be a good fit for a child/teen depending on the needs that they have in their grieving process at that time. Sometimes children and teens benefit more from one-on-one support in a setting such as individual counseling, and this may change over time. If camp does not feel like a good fit at this time, campers are certainly invited to explore these camps again next year!
  • Cornerstone of Hope staff can assist you in identifying if camp is a good fit for your child/teen at this time in their grieving journey.
How much do campers talk about grief at camp?
Each camp is intentionally designed to mix both traditional camp activities with grief-specific activities. How much a camper chooses to talk about their grief while at camp is their choice. Many opportunities are provided for each camper to share about their person that died, their personal feelings about grief, and things that have helped them in their grief journey.

Campers will hear stories from other campers while at camp. Campers will have the choice to decide how much they would like to share with volunteers, staff, and fellow campers.
What are the loss experiences of the other campers who will be there?
Each camper who attends a Cornerstone of Hope camp has experienced the death of someone close to them. There is a wide variety of what this loss may look like for each of our campers – ranging from a recent loss to a loss from many years ago. Many campers may have lost a significant caregiver, a sibling, or another close family member or friend.

Some campers bring many memories of their special person to camp, while others are mourning someone who died early in camper’s life. Regardless of the camper’s relationship to their loved one or the circumstances of the death, Cornerstone of Hope works to create a safe and supportive environment where campers have the opportunity to process their feelings and share their story.
How much does it cost for my camper to attend?
The cost to attend a Cornerstone of Hope camp is $50. Financial assistance is available and can be requested at the time of filling out a registration application for camp. The registration fee is not due to be paid until after a pre-camp assessment is completed. The registration fee is due before your camper is accepted to camp.
What do I need to do to register my camper for camp?
Great question! There are multiple steps to be completed to fully register your camper for a Cornerstone of Hope camp. Each step must be completed before your camper is accepted to a camp.
  1. Complete application here.
  2. Complete a pre-camp assessment. This is set up with Camp Leadership – and someone will reach out to you after the application (step 1) has been 100% completed to schedule the pre-camp assessment.
  3. After this pre-camp assessment, Camp Leadership will let you know if your camper(s) has been accepted to a camp program this summer.
  4. The last step to complete before your camper’s registration is official, is to pay the registration fee.

Frequently Asked Questions During Camp

How can I get ahold of my camper while they’re at camp?
  • If your camper is attending Camp Memory (Columbus), you can call (614) 824-4285.
  • If your camper is attending Camp Cornerstone (Cleveland), you can call (216) 524-4673.
  • If your camper is attending Camp Lighthouse (Overnight Camp), you will be provided with a phone number that you can use to reach a member of Camp Leadership.
  • If you have a non-emergent need to contact your camper, you can email at any time.
  • Campers are not permitted to bring a cell phone to camp. We appreciate your understanding in using other methods to reach your camper while they attend a camp program with us!
What if my camper gets sick at camp?
  • A Registered Nurse will be on site for each camp program to provide medical care as needed. If you have provided approval for your camper to receive over the counter medications, the Camp Nurse will administer over the counter medication if needed.
  • If your camper becomes sick at camp and needs to be picked up from camp, Camp Leadership will contact you first by a phone call to request your camper be picked up. If you do not answer the phone, Camp Leadership will call Emergency Contacts that you provide on the registration for camp.
  • You or one of the Authorized Adults/Emergency Contacts must be available to pick up your camper at any time during the camp program, in the event of an illness in which they need to leave camp.
What does lodging look like for Camp Lighthouse (overnight camp)?
  • Cornerstone of Hope partners with a camp facility for Camp Lighthouse, where lodging takes place. Campers lodge in a cabin building with other campers and supervising adults.
  • Campers will be provided with a twin-size bunk bed for sleeping, and are required to bring their own bedding, such as a sleeping bag or sheet set.
  • A bathroom facility is located inside the cabin building where campers sleep. The bathroom facility features private shower stalls and private stall toilets. Shared sinks are available in the bathroom.

Other Helpful Questions

What if my camper loses or forgets something at camp?
Cornerstone of Hope staff will do their best to collect any lost and found items from camp. You are welcome to contact Camp Leadership to inform them of the lost or forgotten item and if found, they will coordinate a way for you to pick up this item from Cornerstone of Hope.
Can I volunteer at camp?
Great question! We are grateful for the generosity of so many compassionate volunteers who make each camp program possible. Our top priority during each camp program is to focus on the individualized coping needs of each camper. For this reason, we do not permit for family members of current campers to volunteer at the camp experience. If you are a family member of a current camper, we invite you to volunteer with Cornerstone of Hope leading up to a camp program, which can include many different forms of support. If you are interested in volunteering at Cornerstone of Hope throughout the year, please click here to learn more.  
If you do not have a family member currently attending a camp program at Cornerstone of Hope, we invite you to apply to volunteer at a camp program. Please click here to access the website to apply for volunteering at a camp program.
How can I support camps at Cornerstone of Hope?
We appreciate your wish to support camp at Cornerstone of Hope! There are several ways you can get involved in supporting camps at Cornerstone of Hope:
  • You can spread the word about these programs to families who may not yet know about Cornerstone of Hope camps, and who have children or teens who have experienced the death of someone close to them. We want this support to be available to anyone who may benefit!
  • We are grateful for the support of a generous community who help make programs like camp possible. If you are interested in supporting Cornerstone of Hope camps by donation, more information can be found here.

“Camp helped me know that I am not alone. I was able to talk to others about my grief and learned that it’s okay to cry.”


Volunteer at Camp

Do you enjoy working with children and teens? Cornerstone of Hope is looking for dedicated volunteers to help with our Summer Camps!

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